Fruit picking jobs in Canada 2024 : Apply Online & Companies

The Agricultural sector in Canada is a major key part of its economy, and natural product picking(specially fruit picking jobs), a crucial portion of the agriculture sector, offers good pay and the chance to gain valuable work experience for thousands of workers,including many foreign worker to get seasonal employment.So it has become a popular job among foreign workers. Recent changes in visa arrangements have made it simpler for foreign workers to join the workforce in Canada’s agriculture sector.

Popular Fruit Picking Locations

Canada’s shifted climate permits for a wide range of natural products to be developed across different territories. Here are some of the most prevalent fruit-picking locations:

British Columbia: Okanagan Valley

  • Renowned for its vineyards and orchards.
  • Major natural products : Apples, cherries, peaches, apricots, and plums.
  • Highlights: Dazzling scenes and wine tourism.

Ontario: Niagara Peninsula

  • Known for its fertile soil and favorable climate.
  • Major natural products: Grapes, peaches, strawberries, and apples.
  • Highlights: vicinity to Niagara Falls and wine country.

Nova Scotia: Annapolis Valley

  • Famous for its apple orchards.
  • Major natural products: Apples, pears, plums, and blueberries.
  • Highlights: lovely valley scenes and historic sites.

Quebec: Monteregie Region

  • A significant agricultural area with different natural product production.
  • Major fruits: Raspberries, strawberries, and apples.
  • Highlights: Wealthy cultural heritage and dynamic neighborhood markets.

Other areas incorporate Alberta’s Peace Country for blueberries and the Edmonton region for peaches.

Fruit Picking Jobs in Canada
Fruit Picking Jobs in Canada

Types of Natural Products to Pick

Different types of natural products are harvested at diverse times of the year. Here’s a seasonal calendar to help you plan:

  • Spring (April – June): Strawberries, cherries.
  • Summer (July – August): Blueberries, raspberries, peaches, apricots.
  • Fall (September – October): Apples, pears, plums, grapes.

Job Length and Working Conditions

Most fruit-picking occupations are seasonal, enduring approximately two to three months. Workers must be physically dynamic and able to work outside in different climate conditions. Ordinary working hours are from 7am to 5pm with breaks. Here are few tips for preparing:

  • Clothing: Wear lightweight, long-sleeve shirts, caps, and durable footwear.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water all through the day.
  • Safety: Follow safety guidelines to prevent injuries.

Benefits of Natural Product Picking Jobs

Fruit picking offers some benefits, including:

Seasonal Employment

  • Ideal for part-time work during harvest seasons.

Competitive Wages

  • Paid hourly or by the sum of natural products picked, with opportunities for overtime.

Outdoor Work Environment

  • Enjoy working in fields with fresh air and natural surroundings.

Physical Activity

  • Jobs involve twisting, coming to, and lifting, providing great exercise.

Skill Development

  • Learn accuracy, efficiency, collaboration, and time management skills.

Cultural Exchange

  • Work with individuals from different countries and share social experiences.

Transportation and Housing

  • Some employers give housing and transportation, making it easier for foreign workers to live and work in provincial areas.

Additional Benefits

  • Travel Opportunity: You will explore various parts of Canada and experience different climates and landscapes.
  • Permanent Residency Options: You can get eligibility for programs like the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) or Express Entry.

Available Fruit Picking Jobs in Canada

Here are some job locations and details:

Apple PickingBritish Columbia, Okanagan Valley
Strawberry PickingOntario, Niagara Region
Blueberry PickingAlberta, Peace Country
Cherry PickingBritish Columbia, Fraser Valley
Grape PickingOntario, Niagara Region
Peach PickingAlberta, Edmonton Area
Pear PickingBritish Columbia, Okanagan Valley
Raspberry PickingQuebec, Monteregie Region
Apricot PickingBritish Columbia, Okanagan Valley
Plum PickingNova Scotia, Annapolis Valley

Visa Process for Fruit Picking Jobs

Canada offers few visa options for foreign workers in the agricultural sector:

Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP):

  • For temporary employment in Canada, reasonable for different jobs including fruit picking.

Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP):

  • Valid for six months or less, best for seasonal agricultural positions.

Working Holiday Visa:

  • For individuals aged 18 to 35, permits up to one year of work in seasonal agriculture.

International Experience Canada:

  • For young people aged 18 to 35, permits up to two years of work and travel in Canada.

What Requirements Need to Get a Visa : 

To secure a visa, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must have a valid passport for at least six months after departure date.
  • You need a valid work permit or visa.
  • Job offer from a Canadian company.
  • Proof of capabilities and experience.
  • Financial verification to back yourself in Canada.
  • Health insurance proof.
  • Clean criminal record.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Canada have an age restriction for natural product pickers?

  • Yes, you must be over 18 years old.

What is the compensation of natural product pickers in Canada?

  • The normal pay is $14.39 per hour, around $28,061 per year.

How can I apply to work in Canada harvesting fruit?

  • You need a work permit. Know the requirements before applying. Consulting an immigration specialist can be helpful.

Additional Tips and Resources

Job Search:

  • You can use online job boards, local classifieds, and recruitment agencies to find opportunities.

Preparing for the Move:

  • Plan your travel, accommodation, and initial expenses.

Integrating into Canadian Society:

  • Learn basic French or English.
  • Understand Canadian culture and workplace norms.


  • Government websites: for visa and immigration information.
  • Language learning: Duolingo, Rosetta Stone.
  • Financial planning: Budgeting tools and advice from financial institutions.

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